Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Why I Oppose HR645

Here is a great resource to keep up with bills in Congress and respond easily, just click on the plus sign in the corner and contact your representatives in the House or Senate.

Here is a particular one I have seen causing fear and stirring up gun sales, and my letter to my Senator .


Senator Eric Cantor:

I oppose `National Emergency Centers Establishment Act' HR645, as it is being used to distribute fear propoganda which the American public does not need in this time of economic crisis. I have considered if gun manufacturers allow the fear to proliferate among citizens that their government will become a military/police dictatorship with no respect for civil liberty. I ask that if you must act on behalf of the American people to give effective security during times of national disaster, then coordinate your efforts and money with State and Local citizen homeguard forces and schools. These buildings are easy to locate and exist already. During times of economic slowdown as now, you can go right to work training ordinary citizens to help rescue teams and cleanup crews. You can pay the people who volunteer to attend CPR classes, fire safety, communication technology, and gun safety.
I am NOT agreeing that this much money be appopriated to centralized FEDERAL establishments. I approve Decentralization of this effort. Strengthen our local communities and help the failing economy with this effort or use the $180,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2009 and 2010 to create real assets that benefit society. How about education to create sustainable systems?

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