Monday, February 23, 2009


Here is a rant by an economist i read fairly often, Dean Baker, this is not any pressing emergency, he just mentioned something that i know is important to all of us, and in the spirit of being ever vigilant i thought i should pass it on.

I think the author is a bit emotional, he is concerned that the long term plan of a rich and powerful person is to dismantle what little social insurance exists in the US to disabled or elderly, and so his writing style here was a bit hard to follow, essentially the article is written in two halves.

The first half is to let you know this fellow, Peter Peterson is bad news in his opinion, very rich and powerful to boot. He has a long history of attacking Social security and medicare and has the media to help him out, so we will have to read articles about these subjects extra carefully (as always of course)
The second half is to warn you about a campaign he is launching to convince young people that their standard of living will be less that their parents or grandparents, and what he can convince them to do after they believe it.
'With his billion dollars, Peterson could convince a huge number of gullible young people to tax advantage of the intergenerational equity tax credit'
Yes this is Dean Bakers Opinion.

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