Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Governor General Michaëlle Jean has prorogued (suspended without dissolving) the parliment of Canada. So the government is, to my knowledge, in a deadlock. Meanwhile all kinds of divisionist propoganda is flying, smearing the 2/3 majority that opposes Mr. Harper's economic plans for Canada. He calls them seperatists and anti-democratic and such. (um, if the majority of elected officials agree his financial policies are disastrous for Canada, that IS Democracy as far as i know) Prime Minister Stephen Harper is due to present his budget to parliament on Jan 27, opening an opportunity for his dethronement. If anyone finds out what is going on please pass it along! Here are two articles about the type of government they have in canada, and what has lead us to this. The last one is satirical, pretty funny.

Dear neighbour, about what's going on in Canada

Whats Happening In Canada

Welcome to the Harper Dictatorship

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Gaza Injustice

Why i am writing my representatives:
Often i hear ravenous talk of 'cowards who hide behind human shields, then what sort of beasts continue to hit the shield, be it a human child or a physical barrier?

GAZA- 1.4 million residents in a place half the size of San Francisco.
Land above natural gas reserves discovered in 2000 worth 4 billion US. (see last link)

More than 260 children killed.

The Red cross wants the UN to investigate the violence in Gaza for war crimes, after finding starved children beside their dead mothers.

The Israeli's are using DIME bombs, which are uranium-based bombs. When those bombs hit a human target, the person eventually will have cancer if he or she survives the blast.

Human Rights Watch said in a statement that its researchers in Israel observed multiple air-bursts on Jan. 9 and Jan. 10 of artillery-fired white phosphorus near the city of Gaza and the Jabalya refugee camp.

Jews who speak out against the violence in Israel:
Rabi Michael Lerner,

Amira Hass, Since 2000, Amira Hass has been the only Jewish Israeli reporter living in Occupied Palestine - formerly in Gaza City, and now based out of Ramallah

International Anti-Zionist Jewish network

Today one of my local papers shows Russian Orthodox Jews burning the Israeli flag.

100,000 Protesters in London Saturday, 8 to 12 thousand in Stockholm, and many other cities around the globe.

Only five people voted no in the house of representatives, to a resolution to back Israeli actions in Gaza.

Moore (WI)
Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul are people i admire.

I also admire Bill Moyers

and Jimmy Carter

This affects me and my children, because when an injustice occurs anyplace it demeans us all.

I will not support anymore wars for oil and political exploitation.

The childrens book version:
I live in Sweden.
Many of my neighbors are muslim.
I do not know one that is not a hard working family oriented person.
Only people who i see intimidating children and dogs(weird) is Neo-nazi thugs who stir up hate.
The people far away are not different than my neighbors, they are not different than me. My family in the US is my family even if they are far away.
I love my neighbors. I love my family.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Appropriate Response?

In what sort of alternet reality are we living in that the killing of women and children can be viewed as an 'appropriate response to terrorism?'
Page 59
The Appropriate
Response To
Islamic Terror
I am an American, so i know how easy it is to slip back into the comfort of the status quo. What do i hear my fellow Americans repeat so often, that Isreal has the right to defend itself. So i read that 19 Israelis died from Hamas' homemade rockets in eight years and now 420+ palestinians are dead in 5 days and i am supposed to accept that this is an appropriate response.

Someday, i hope, my very bored grandchildren will sit through history class. The teacher will review the history of turn of the century. I think this article will be a required reading.