Thursday, November 20, 2008

What is the Lisbon Treaty?

Ok so what is this Lisbon Treaty of which Magnus speaks?
It is a 'new improved' EU constitution which gives the EU legal personage and the ability to amend itself without democratic measures. Legal personage means workers lose the right to strike because they would be harming the 'person' that is the EU. A foreign company can come to Sweden, and pay only the fair wage for their home country, not a fair wage for Sweden. Sweden and Denmark have no minimum wage, the people here would be forced to take less pay for their work. I feel this is wrong and i hope parliment remembers their brothers, sisters, and family who work to provide a safe environment for their children which Sweden has been known for. I will update more as i learn it. Only two countries, Ireland and Belgium, voted it down in nation wide referendums. The only arguments i can find for the ratification involve fear. Here is one
The Paradox of the No Vote' Ireland has gained a lot from its EU membership. When Ireland joined the EU in 1973, it was the poorest country in the Community of Nine, as it was then. But the country soon became a model of success.' So why is it a paradox that changes to the Irish Constitution would be questioned? Why would Ireland want to become a province again? Is this insinuating that Ireland would suffer economically for not forfeiting its sovreignty? How about this claim;
'If the EU fails to find a quick way out of the crisis, it is likely to be weakened internationally, notably in its dealings with powers such as Russia and Iran.' First of all there is no crisis. Secondly a less militarized EU is exactly more able to relate to Russia and Iran. Thats why we have had a positive relationship since the cold war. You know... less guns more trade. Respect is an underutilized diplomatic device and it could work here if the EU wants to streamline processes and make decisions more quickly and efficiently, instead of a move towarsds totalitarianism.

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