Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Perils of Obedience

For a couple days now i am wondering how this sort of thing comes about, how is it that parliments of nations can vote to lock the EU into these neoliberal economic policies. How can they willingly turn over their self determintation to a less democratic agency. How can they look at Argentina the last 15 years, or where the US is now and see the fruits of those policies and willingly vote for them here. Then i read this interesting article, The Perils of Obedience,

This has gotten me thinking perhaps that our elected officials really believe they are serving a higher good, fulfilling some duty that we cannot possibly understand yet. Our cries of discomfort and shouts of 'NOT FAIR' will quiet in the future.... how will they quiet us. Will our food get cheaper, will jobs become numerable and pay less, so we will work more and be too busy to notice what is happening. The ladies at the Dagis, i did not meet one who knew what the Lisbon Treaty was. Of course since i have come from the US i am frightened these people here do not know how good they have it. Nationalized childcare is a dream come true for me. Canadians are pushing for it now, but i don't see it happpening under Harper Regime.
Still reading about the Lisbon Treaty here are some links,

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