Tuesday, April 7, 2009

New Word- Wahabism

I learned a new word today in noticing an article is of course, clear as mud.

Here we go again! Lets have a look at this article together, and consider what does it actually say and what does it insinuate?

At least 22 killed in Pakistan suicide bombing

Sun Apr 5, 2009 1:56pm EDT


The word Shi'ite appears five times in this article, and most significantly in the first paragraph. Sunni appears twice in the last half of the article. To most of us, with much to follow in the financial problems of today we do not have time to go digging for clues as to what is really going on. This means most of us will equate Shi'ite to suicide bombings, even though this attack was carried out against and killed the Shi'ite muslims.

Well, who then carried it out? The article says,
"Pakistan has a long history of tit-for-tat attacks by militants from the majority Sunni and minority Shi'ite Muslim communities.

But sectarian militancy intensified after some anti-Shi'ite groups forged ties with al Qaeda and Taliban militants, security officials say."

Who is anti Shi'ite and would stoop so low as to form ties with al Qaeda (mercinarie$ from all over the world founded by the CIA) and Taliban militants (also well funded religious fundies with ties to Saudi Arabia.) Apparently there are several different factions of people with a mutual interest. Shi'ites are a minority in Pakistan but not in Iran. Would anyone want to insinuate negative associations with Iran?

The United States has a lucrative relationship to Saudi Arabia, but theocracy there is run by a faction of Sunni muslims called the Wahabists. They fund mosques and teach Imans(preachers) all over the world. The problem is they degrade women and scare the secular muslims to pieces. When we Americans only see things in black and white and think all Muslims should fit into that mold, we are angering the majority of Muslims and then the negative feelings snowball. Its really wrong and so i need to tell you about it!

Here are some examples only this week that will illustrate my point.

Turkey- Obama gave a speach, we jeapordize our relationship with a NATO country because we call the Wahabist muslims 'moderate muslims' We scare the Turkish people, and the Prime minister has to settle everyone down and assure them, we are not those 'moderates'


Afganistan- the radical new rules(curbing women's rights) our man Karzai has put out this past week are to satisfy powerful sponsored warlords tenuous hold over the country, he is only doing what is needed to stay in power, not the will of the governed.


Anyway so the radical shake up i have had this morning is WAHABISM. Ashamed to say i didn't know who or what that was and they exert so much influence that the Swedish government funds Iman studies here in Sweden, because we cannot afford to let it be funded as a free market religion in this case, heh (ok bad joke)


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