Sunday, November 14, 2010

Banks or their Minions Running the Show
Party politics are new to me but banks or private interests running the government is not. Sweden's social Democratic party is being threatened to play along with the privitization schemes, putting the Swedish people into debt and losing social protection, or become irrelevant. By become irrelevant it just means the newspapers will bully them as they do today, right? Or is there more? I have been reading an economist from University of Kansas, Michael Hudson who wrote, -“Join the fight against labor, or we will destroy you,” the EC is telling governments. This requires dictatorship, and the European Central Bank (ECB) has taken over this power from elected government. Its “independence” from political control is celebrated as the “hallmark of democracy” by today’s new financial oligarchy.-
If this is so then the Social Democratic party, given their history of representing the needs of labor, just became more important than ever. It is no wonder that making people like Leif Pagrotsky sit down and shut up has become so urgent, or relegating the Swedish people to a two party system.

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